Always attracted and fascinated by signs,

he begins pondering on the matter,

taking a journey of expressive research on the subject, based for now on feelings or perception that perhaps there is still unexplored territory,

a preferential way to positively communicate.

Art is not 'a whole new world’ for him.

Choosing the ‘scenography’ curricula for his education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan,

it has always been intended as a continuous interaction between painting, sculpture, music and poetry.

Having applied the concept in the context of conventions, stands and showrooms, he now approaches the field of interior art, changing scale and support,

from a stage or a pavilion to the area of a wall !

bArt signs is an independent art’s project, by: Maurizio E.D. Bisi.

All Rights Reserved

bArt signs it's a project by medB createam Srl - PI 12689350150